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When visiting someone in hospital...

Visiting family or friends in hospital

When hearing that a family member or friend has been hospitalized we immediately want to do what we can to help, and visiting can most of the time be very helpful, not just to the patient but also to the carer ( if there is one with patient all the time)

Having said that there are many things to take into consideration

- Hospital hours and restrictions - especially labor wards , it is also advised to check with partner or patient that it is a convenient time, as post labor mother may not be ready for visitors, or may just want immediate family in the hospital and rather visitors when they return home.

-When visiting patients in hospital be sensitive to time, try and gage what is a good amount of time to spend there. If you see they are tiring offer to leave and see what the patient wants.

-Be sensitive to other patients in the room, even when there are no visiting restrictions , turning up too early or too late my be unfair to someone who is trying to rest. People tend to need more sleep than usual whether it post surgery or general sickness.

- Before bringing food to a patient check if they are on restricted diets and if they are eating at all, if going to visit a patient before a procedure/surgery they may be fasting and they will be unable to eat. For a child receiving food , or food they are unable to eat at this time this can be very distressing for them, unless their carer has said it’s ok or specifically requested something For a child a game ,cuddly bear, activity or something to keep them busy is highly recommended, giving the child something to do keeping his mind off his hospitalization and gives time for the carer to get a little break.

- For patients in hospital long term, family and friends want to help maybe taking it in turns to be with patient so it doesn’t just fall on one person, especially a child who needs to be cared for 24/7, sharing the time with child can make it fun for him as each person going in will have something to do with him. It is just important to follow the hospital rules and only go in if well and if the ward has rules to follow them.

Long term patients need some of their home comforts in the hospital with them, their pillow from home, blankets. Decorating the room with pictures and photos from home is fun to do and will help to make the patient to feel more connected to home.

-Finding ways to help the patient not feel disconnected to the outside world, bringing home comforts from the outside inside, and keeping the mind working as much as possible , is the best way to helping to have a clearer and more positive outlook, and being able to receive help when help is at hand.

Thanks for reading. See you next blog!

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